
4 places you can Meat Up with Food Leaders Australia in 2017

Friday, 01 September 2017

Producers, agribusiness specialists, avid networkers and industry leaders are invited to join Food Leaders Australia at four upcoming Meat Up events in 2017.

FLA General Manager Bruce McConnel will MC the events that include a welcome speech from a representative at each site before exploring what is on offer.

Meat Ups are a chance for guests to get a glimpse inside businesses, showrooms and paddocks across the region over a beer and a barbecue. 

Mr McConnel said the Meat Ups were a result of member feedback for casual, small group events.

“It’s exciting to have the chance to get together with our new and existing members and see where we can work to build their business opportunities or member-to-member services,” Mr McConnel said.

“Our membership hosts a wide range of businesses and industries, and we see the cross-over between them when they meet at these events.”

“I’m excited to hear from more of our members, as I spend the first months in my role heading on-site to see for myself where the challenges and opportunities are for our membership.”

“The events are limited to about 50 tickets, so book early to hold your place at the airport, at DAF, Clearspan and RB Sellers.”

The next set of Meat Ups for 2017 will be held:

September 12:  FLA Meat Up – Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport, Wellcamp

October 5:        FLA Meat Up – Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), Tor St, Toowoomba

November 2:    FLA Meat Up – Clearspan, Toowoomba

December 7:   FLA Meat Up – RB Sellars, Toowoomba

To book, visit 

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